~Amount Unit Converter
Amount by Marco Torretta is a handy unit converter for iPhone. The app is iOS 7 ready and contains units in 25 categories, that you can customize(choose which units/categories to show) like Time, Currency, Weight, Speed and Length. It comes with a history log, so you can see and use previous conversions and also supports basic math actions (and percentages). Federico Viticci wrote a nice review about it that you should check for more information. The app is constantly updated and only costs 0.99$ on the App Store, so even if you won't use it a lot, I suggest you pick it up, It's worth it.
~Perfect Weather
Perfect Weather by Constrast is an app I have been waiting for for a long time. I have been trying a few weather apps, used Check the Weather until I switched to Today Weather. I sticked with Today for a while but it wasn't the app I was looking for, so I when I heard that David Barnard was working on a weather app I was really excited. But, after all the excitement, Perfect Weather ended up disappointing me. Don't get me wrong, the app is really great and it has exactly the features I want from a weather app, but the app only works in the US, so it useless for me. Dave Caolo of TUAW prepared a nice review of it, so if you are in the US and looking for a great weather app, check Dave's review and get Perfect Weather - it's only 2.99$ on the App Store.
~The Editorial Workflows Directory
While writing my Workflows article and getting links to my workflows, I noticed Ole Zorn added a nice Workflows Directory to the Editorial Website . The Directory has workflows shared by Editorial users and a “Staff Picks” section to showcase the best workflows on the directory. I made a workflow to search the directory that you can get here. You can also found all of my workflows here and great workflows by Federico Viticci here.
~Federico Viticci's Editorial Book
As I finished writing my Workflows article yesterday, Federico Viticci published his Editorial book to the iBooks Store. The book is his Editorial review from MacStories.net, reimagined as an iBook with 20 more workflows, 5 videos and interactive design. As Federico said, it's like a ”Director's Cut“ version of his review. Here's the book's description from the iBooks Store:
” An extended edition of an article originally published on MacStories.net, “Writing On The iPad: Text Automation with Editorial” contains an in-depth review and detailed guide to Editorial, a revolutionary Markdown text editor for iPad with unique automation features. After reading this book, you’ll have a new perspective on what is possible to accomplish on an iPad with Markdown and text automation. “
The book is just 2.99$ on the iBooks Store for a limited time launch sale and it's amazing so go and grab your copy now.
~Apple's September 10 Event Confirmed
Apple sent the invites to the event on Tuesday. The event will probably introduce iOS 7 and colorful 'iPhone 5C'.