Changelog For Dropit

Dropit 1.3 - 2.4.2014:

  • Dropit can now be used on other cloud services! Extract Dropit to a public folder on your Google Drive, Amazon S3 bucket, FTP or WebDAV server, Update the settings file with the folder’s URL and start the script to enjoy Dropit on all your favorite cloud services!

Dropit 1.2 - 14.3.2014:

  • Improved continous running - Dropit now refreshes your feed every 10 seconds and is always running.
  • Startup Services - Dropit now includes startup services scripts for Windows and OS X, use them and Dropit will run as soon you start up your computer. With the services and the new continous running all you have to do is just add the files to your Dropit folder and your feed will be refreshed almost instantly - you can even add songs from your iPhone or iPad.

Dropit 1.1 - 4.12.2013:

  • Continuous running - Dropit can now run automatically every 10 seconds.

Dropit 1.0 - 26.10.2013:

  • Initial Release.